søndag den 14. oktober 2012

Day 5 Clear trip's highlights so far! The meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama! We had got up early and packed our things together we had to move to Jacksonville (Florida), but by then we had to hear the president speak at the University of Miami, we got really good seats so we could see him quite tydligt, he held (as always ) a fantastic and indspirende speech in which he talked about Afghanistan, young, taxes, and the middle class, he ended this way, still when I am writing it gives me goosebumps "America I have never said this would be easy and I will promise that now, yes our way is long, but we travel together, and it lead us to a better place, we did not turn back now, we leave no one behind, we pull each other up, we get ups of our performance and we learn from our mistakes, but we always have our eyes fixt on that distant horizont, and now that good is with us, and that we are incredibly fortunate to be citizens of the greatest country on earth, thank you, God bless you and God bless the front States! " This man is amazing!

I miss you all! And look forward to seeing you again.
Did I said that I this Wednesday go to hear Obama again and then get Bruce Springsteen perform?

Regards Mathias

4 kommentarer:

  1. hello my friend <3
    how was it yo hear Obama speak? and what did he say???
    xoxo Caroline

  2. Do you see more up to Obama after hearing and seeing him in real life? :-)

  3. To Caroline:
    to see Obama and hear him speak is probably the biggest I have seen in my life, he is my idol and a role model so it was fantastic!
    He spoke very up that we should not lose hope, and that we should continue to look forward and not back, he talked about the importance of education, and he spoke about his health care reform.

    Ser you soon

  4. To Mia: no I do not think, I think single just that I was confirmed in why I look so much up to him, he has a unique ability to feel hope, and that you are part of something bigger,he is my biggest idol, and he is certainly still!
