søndag den 28. oktober 2012

Dear Mathias.

Welcome home and we hope that you have had a good and interesting trip.

On behalf of Rikke and 2f.

onsdag den 24. oktober 2012

dagbog dag 6-12

Day 6:
we went to Grennsboro in North Carolina, it was a very long trip, when we arrived at the hotel I was too tired to do some head!

Day 7:
that I was ready and after a good night's sleep I had on the campaign. Campaign office in North Carolina is the largest we've been on and it was super cool! I came quickly started to go out and knock on doors, people were very open and I got talking to a lot of Americans here who are trying to get people to go out and vote early because the polling stations may not have as many voters on election day, so it was mostly what I was doing, I also talked with a lady named Hope, and she really made me realize why it is that I am in the U.S. to get Obama re-elected in read more in my blog post: http://ungtudsyn.dk/de-forandrede-stater/

Day 8:
so we went to Columbus, Ohio, we drove through a park the size of Jylland, it is the most beautiful I have ever seen, the trees had all sorts of different colors, because it's fall, and then when we got deeper into in the forest, so a bunch of mountains there was a large lake, and should we just bathe in, it was really nice, so with that experience so we drove the last stretch to Ohio after sitting in a car for 12 hours .

Day 9: was the campaign all day, and it was again the same thing to get people to vote early. but in the evening there were presidential debate between Obama and Romney, so we went down in a theater with 200 other people, and so the debate, it was a fun experience because people sat and cheered and clapped, of course we are not in Denmark so it was a fun experience.

day 10:
We were supposed to tour in Ohio state building, it can best compare with our parliament, was only 1 state, it was also where Abraham Lincon who was U.S. president during the Civil War, he started his political career, but we also got just a little talk with some of the politicians, where we discussed the rights of homosexuals, and Obama's health care reform, after it was on the shopping

day 11:
This was a very exciting day, we were driving from Ohio to Pittsburgh, me and 2 other went to a meeting with the vice president of the American trade union American Stellworkers, which is the same as the Dansk Metal home in Denmark, she told us about the problems unions In the United States and the workers in the U.S. do not have the same rights as we have in Denmark, after that we went into their phone bank and called the members and tried to get them to vote for Obama. After that we went over to it which correspond to LO in Denmark to try to get a meeting with their president and succeeded but we could only get the meeting the following day.
Hey Mathias :-)

Are you in New York now? Is it as you expected?
How many hours a day do you ''work''?

Kisses from Mia
Hey you!

What is your impression of the people you meet and talk to about Obama? 

And do you have a feeling about how many who is going to vote for Obama?:-)

See you soon :-)
Dear 2f.
Now you know how to blog so go ahead :-)

søndag den 21. oktober 2012

Hi Everyone.

Time to fire up your inner blogger. By mid-week I expect you all to have blogged at least twice with Mathias. Ask anything about his trip and what he has done in the campain for Obama.

Love Rikke :-)

søndag den 14. oktober 2012

Day 5 Clear trip's highlights so far! The meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama! We had got up early and packed our things together we had to move to Jacksonville (Florida), but by then we had to hear the president speak at the University of Miami, we got really good seats so we could see him quite tydligt, he held (as always ) a fantastic and indspirende speech in which he talked about Afghanistan, young, taxes, and the middle class, he ended this way, still when I am writing it gives me goosebumps "America I have never said this would be easy and I will promise that now, yes our way is long, but we travel together, and it lead us to a better place, we did not turn back now, we leave no one behind, we pull each other up, we get ups of our performance and we learn from our mistakes, but we always have our eyes fixt on that distant horizont, and now that good is with us, and that we are incredibly fortunate to be citizens of the greatest country on earth, thank you, God bless you and God bless the front States! " This man is amazing!

I miss you all! And look forward to seeing you again.
Did I said that I this Wednesday go to hear Obama again and then get Bruce Springsteen perform?

Regards Mathias